Wednesday, June 10, 2009

America The Chained

Oh America,
You've always loved yourself.
Your shining seas and mountains
Graced by God.

Oh America,
You've always called yourself free.
And now you've made your people free,
Or so you think.

Oh America,
You've always thought yourself the best
And loved by all your people
Even as they toil for nothing.

Oh America,
You've always told me to be proud of you,
But lately I can't see why I should,
Lately I see your opression.

Oh America,
You say we are a land of the brave,
But we will not stand up for what is right,
And that, how is that brave?

Oh America,
Are you going to stand there in glory
While your soldiers die defending you?
Defending the way you chain us?

Oh America,
Land of the free and home of the brave.
Free? To what? To labor so we may be taxed?
To toil to feed brainwashed children?

Oh America,
Land of the free and home of the brave.
Brave? But we will not stand against
The Immorality of your actions?

Oh America,
Why do you invade our privacy?
Why do you assume us guilty until innocent?
Why do you restrain us with social stigmas?

Oh America,
I work to pay my bills, pay bills to get to work,
But I have no freedom to live,
No way for my actions to be loving and private.

Oh America,
Your Liberal radicallists burn me,
Your Conservative raticallists stab me,
And I should choose a side?

Oh America,
We will toil for you and your land
Your free and your brave dear America,
Run by buisness condemed to uniformity.

Oh America,
What can I say to make you change?
To let your people be truely free?
What can I say, my America?


  1. I really like this, and definitely feel you. Everything that America once stood for is diminishing in front of our eyes. Literally, we watch the decay, our eyes glued to the television every single day. Good job on this one.
    - Emily Rowe

  2. thanks :)i was thinking about the line mentioned from the star spangled banner "land of the free and the home of the brave" and I didn't understand how we were free, or brave. REVOLUTION!!!

  3. Nice :] Obviously we are free in certain regards. I mean we CAN practice religions without being killed. And we are brave too. But the majority of us? Yeah, we sit back and take everything for granted. Definitely not the "American" thing to do, if you ask me.
